Twin Star Exorcists is one of those animes you dismiss at first glance, thinking that it won’t be any good but you keep the anime in the back of your mind because maybe, just maybe it won’t be as bad as you expected. Then one day I was bored and decided to try watching this […]
Anime Reviews
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto Review

Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto is a new anime being simulcast this spring on Crunchyroll. I had never even heard of this series and wasn’t too interested in watching it until I decided out of boredom to try it out. Sakamoto hits the WTF! Comedy/gag button for anime and its something that I rarely watch […]
Cerberus Anime Review

At first sight, Cerberus looks like a great anime to watch. Cerberus has a fantasy world with magic, dragons, swordsman, monsters and if you couple that with a main character who’s goal is to avenge his parent’s death the result should be good anime but with all that being said, Cerberus has a fatal weakness, […]
Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World-

I have a confession to make, one of my favorite anime’s of this current season is Re:Zero. Re:Zero genres seems to be in the fantasy, action, comedy, adventure and romance category’s though I am starting to see little hints and teases of a harem in it. The story begins with Natsuki Subaru, just your average […]
Hundred Anime Review

Another day, another review on a school harem anime called Hundred. If Asterisk War is at the top for school harem anime’s then Hundred is scraping near the bottom with occasional bouts of mediocrity to liven things up. In the world of Hundred, the Earth is under attack from some sort giant insect-like species called […]
The Asterisk War Review

Gakusen Toshi Asterisk aka the English title is The Asterisk War turns out to be yet another series in a long line of school harem animes. Add a male lead, put them in a school setting, surround the lead with multiple females that have classic anime personalities and backgrounds, sprinkle a dash of humor along […]
Hulu Review

Once upon a time, I was so frustrated with the Hulu executives that I wanted to take a baseball bat to their heads. To make such a great site with great content but no matter what require me to watch ads? If I become a member and pay you $7.99 a month I would get […]
FUNimation Review

FUNimation is one of the oldest and best-known anime licensing company in the US. They have handled the dubbing aka English voice acting for Pokemon, DBZ, One Piece and countless other anime in the US. I actually hated FUNimation for years because without exception their dub’s were awful, with the highlight of it having the […]
Crunchyroll Review

I have mentioned Crunchyroll quite a few times in my posts. Crunchyroll was the first legal anime streaming site on the net and pioneered the methods used today with other anime streaming sites. Of course, Crunchyroll wasn’t actually legal in the beginning of its life and it took a lot of nimble footwork to stand where […]